Increasing The Share Of Renewable Energies

Our journey to improve efficiency across all our global sites has already started. At our headquarters in Dornbirn, Austria, we've substituted most of the natural gas needed for heating with biogenic-generated heat. Since December 2020, we've also been using approximately 7,300m2 of photovoltaic equipment to generate electricity for the plant. Last year this was taken one step further when the plant converted to 100% hydropower. In December 2020, Thorn's manufacturing facility in Spennymoor, UK also converted to 100% green energy, helping to achieve the ISO50001 and 14001 accreditations. Additionally, a major water reduction initiative was undertaken at the paint plant, reducing the site's overall water usage by 64%.

100% renewable energy also powers the production site in Lemgo, Germany, while all power to operate the manufacturing plant in Niš, Serbia is generated by hydro.

Also, from 2021, our environmental reporting pro­vides information on energy consumption from renewable energy. It will show the respective share of total energy consump­tion and include a comparison with the goal to achieve a 50% share of rene­wable energy.

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