Our Climate Neutrality Goals

Progressive climate change represents a threat to the existence of future generations and the entire economic system. The development of global warming, which is caused by a rising concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, plays a significant role in this respect. Companies in all fields are challenged to record and rapidly reduce their own greenhouse gas emissions as well as the emissions from all upstream and downstream processes. The Zumtobel Group has set a goal to make its own processes climate neutral (Scope 1 and 2) by 2025. As preparation for the EU Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence, the Zumtobel Group plans to collect data on all material emissions along its entire value chain and will set ambitious reduction goals. The objective is to steadily reduce emissions based on a strong commitment. In this way, the Zumtobel Group will make an active contribution to limiting global warming to 1.5° Celsius over the pre-industrial level in agreement with the Paris Climate Agreement.

The conversion of major production locations to green electricity in 2021/22– including sources like hydropower, eco electricity and electricity from solar power (photovoltaics) – led to a year-on-year reduction of >50%. This conversion was also responsible for a substantial increase in the share of renewable energy during the past financial year. Newly installed cooling equipment was filled with new innovative HFO-refrigerants that have a Global Warming Potential (GWP) of <1, which has reduced the greenhouse gas potential to a minimum.